Bayer Proviron 25mg


Manufacturer: Bayer

Substance: Mesterolone

20 in stock


Proviron is an oral steroid containing 25 mg of the hormone Mesterolone per tablet

Proviron is not an anabolic but a very powerful anti-estrogen. It prevents gynecomastia while reducing fat and water retention, it allows the relaunch of testosterone production in the testicles and prevents the aromatizing of anabolic steroids.

Proviron is capable of giving the muscles a harder, more defined look. It can be used in conjunction with steroids that aromatize in order to help prevent estrogen related side effects. Proviron is considered to be very mild on the liver.

Proviron, also known as mesterolone, is an oral anabolic androgenic steroid that is sometimes used in bodybuilding.

It is  used for muscle-building purposes for its effects on enhancing libido, increasing strength, and reducing estrogen levels.

Some bodybuilders may use Proviron to help with cutting cycles or to counteract estrogen-related side effects from other steroids.

However, it is important to note that the use of Proviron in bodybuilding is not as common as other steroids, and it should be used with caution.



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