Adelphi Clomid 50
4 in stock
Clomid possesses strong anti-estrogenic, which is very useful in medicine for bodybuilders using steroids.
Testosterone and steroids, obtained from testosterone, are partially converted into oestrogen.
High levels of oestrogen leads to the development of gynecomastia (growth of the female breast) and excessive fluid retention in the body – both undesirable effects in bodybuilding.
Excess fluid increases blood pressure and hides muscle relief. That is why for its removal from the hypodermic layers on the drying of body professional bodybuilders take diuretics.
What makes clomid: when taken on a course of steroids, it blocks the receptors of oestrogen in the body, preventing its action. Therefore, it can be useful for fighting gynecomastia, since the female breast is growing under the influence of oestrogen.
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